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Editing form submissions

Editing form Submissions

Forms submitted into the system from both the mobile app and browser-based Online forms can be edited to alter text, add missing items etc.

To be able to edit a form, the user account logged into the Work Group must have permission granted to do so.

Enabling this permission is done from :-

  1. The Users menu option on the left hand main menu.
  2. Click the pencil on the right hand side of the row containing the user account you wish to enable.
  3. Click the 'Access Permission' tab at the top on the left.
  4. On the first question 'Allow form editing?' select 'Yes'.
  5. Click the green 'Update User' button at the bottom of the screen to save the change.

To edit a submitted form :-

  1. Go to 'View Submissions' under the 'Forms' main menu option.
  2. Locate the form you wish to edit either by using the 'Filter submissions' text box (NOTE : this will only search and filter on the forms currently displayed, which are the forms received for the current day) or by using the search criteria in the left hand panel (NOTE: this is a more powerful search and using the date fields can locate forms over specific or wider time periods).
  3. when you have located the right form, click on the page icon in the Options column.
  4. This will open the raw form to display the questions and answers on the submitted form.
  5. Click on the field you wish to edit. A box will open containing the original answer for you to edit with option to submit (save) or cancel (abandon the edit).

Form Filter option

Forms Search options



Edit form icon

Edit field on submitted form


Once a field has been edited, at the bottom of the page is an Audit log of the changes so you can what was changed, by whom and when. The original and changed field values are also displayed.


Not all field types can be edited such as signatures and images. Amending/ adding these to a form will need to be done locally on your PC once a Word or PDF document has been generated and sent out of the system by an email trigger.